Cuauhnahuac Spanish School

Our Programs

Intensive spanish Programs
Spanish Programs in Cuernavaca Mexico
By being the oldest Spanish Language School in Cuernavaca (Founded in 1972), give us the experience and prestigious to offer you the opportunity to study intensively. 

Our Superior teaching method, approved by the Secretary of Public Education, is a unique system created by Cuauhnáhuac. It is based upon a grammatical sequence of lessons that provides students with the necessary skills to speak and understand Spanish in a reduced amount of time. Students use the Método de Español Cuauhnáhuac, a series of four textbooks written and published by Cuauhnáhuac Esc. C.I.C.L.C., S.C

Spanish program

Classes begin every Monday throughout the year for students at all levels, from the complete beginner to the advanced. Courses run from one week to as many weeks as the student wishes to study. Upon his/her arrival to the Institute, the academic director assesses the student´s knowledge and abilities and places each student in an appropriate class with others at the same level. When no other students are at the same lavel to share the class, students are placed in individual classes at no additional charge. Spanish is the exclusive language of instruction. Teachers rotate every week, to expose students to distinct accents, vocabulary and teaching styles. Each teacher reports observations weekly. Weekend classes can be arranged upon request.

Several universities give credit to their students studying at Cuauhnáhuac: Ashland University, California Polytechnic State University, Front Range Community College, Ursinus College, New Mexico State University, Northeastern Illinois, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, La Verne University, Williams College, Widener University, and others. If you would like to receive credit from your university for studies at Cuauhnáhuac, please check out our procedures to obtaining credits. We can provide our Program Guide (Includes our Syllabus, samples of our evaluations, and transcripts) to your Spanish and/or Study Abroad Department for their approval prior to your arrival.