Cuauhnahuac Spanish School

 We are primarily focusing our efforts on supporting the families in the rural community of “San Juan del Monte.” The community is located about 35 km northwest of Taxco and is nestled in the mountains of the state of Guerrero. There is no public transportation, and private transportation may take up to 4 hours from Cuernavaca. 

The population of San Juan del Monte consists of approximately 180 villagers. The community is comprised of 70% women and children between the ages of 2 to 14 years. The remaining 30% are men who migrate to the bigger cities, or to the U.S., in order to find work and send money to their families.

Although they obtained electricity in 2000, San Juan del Monte still lacks many common necessities such as running water, adequate schools, a health care center, and paved roads.

One of our goals is to provide basic services to the children by searching for financial support and donations from educational institutions, international corporations, and anyone willing to share our dream of supporting their future. 

San Juan del Monte has a small elementary school that serves approximately 40 boys and girls ranging from 6 to 14 years old. Sadly, the 3 classrooms do not have enough chairs or tables for the kids to study. It has a basketball court, which serves as a general patio for artistic activities and sports. 

San Juan del Monte also has a small secondary school that serves approximately 25 boys and girls, ranging from 12 to 15 years old. The school only has one classroom with one computer that barely receives the State Board of Education’s satellite signal to receive classes.  

The community has a small Catholic church, where the citizens celebrate mass and local festivities. This church was built in 1990 with contributions from the Cano Family.

Each year the Fundación Cuauhnáhuac organizes community service projects in the vilage of San Juan del Monte. On April 30th, we celebrate “Día del niño” (Children’s Day). 

Another community service project sponsored by the Fundación Cuauhnáhuac is: Day of Community Integration with foreign students from the Cuauhnáhuac Spanish Language Institute 

Community Integration: We pair one teacher from Cuauhnáhuac and a group of students with a local family so that they can experience a typical day in the lives of these families. 

Community Integration: Locals invite all the participants to join them for a delightful regional meal. Visitors share candies and gifts with the children. 

Community Integration: Visitors distribute medicine, clothes, shoes, toiletries, and food to the families that host them for the day. 

We invite you to help support the familias of San Juan del Monte. Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

List of the items that we always need as contributions:

  • School supplies (in quantities of 100): Notebooks, pencils, pens, boxes of crayons or colors, packages of letter-sized white paper, pencil sharpeners and erasers
  • Candies, cookies and gum, new and used toys in good shape
  • New or used clothes: jeans, sweaters, shirts, t-shirts, jackets, and tennis shoes
  • 10 Used/new pc’s or lap tops with Internet or network capabilities, with CD/DVD-ROM, etc.
  • 5 Printers, and 10 ink and toner cartridges
  • 2 Photocopy machines
  • General Medicines and Health Care Supplies: Needles, cotton, oxygen water,  disinfectant, bandages, etc.

Money donations are always welcome!

Donations can be made to Cuauhnáhuac Esc. C.I.C.L.C., S.C. by Wire Transfer or personal check directly to our U. S. bank account. Please contact us for specific details.